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Upper and lower case in VBA

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Mick S Upper and lower case in VBA 03-21-2011, 06:27 PM
romperstomper Re: Upper and lower case in... 03-21-2011, 06:31 PM
Mick S Re: Upper and lower case in... 03-21-2011, 06:44 PM
  1. #1
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    Upper and lower case in VBA

    It seems that upper and lower case matters when working with VBA. Is there a way to make it where it doesn't matter? That way I wouldn't have to have so many potential options for my block if statements. See some of my partial code below.

    Function Total_Cost(Price, Landed_Cost, Channel, SBU)
    'Reference for cost data - only have to change reference here for worksheet
    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Set wks = Workbooks("VBA File.xlsm").Worksheets("Cost_Assumptions")
    'Cost Assumption Categories
    Dim Rebates     'Rebates/Discounts/Co-op's
    Dim Returns     'Returns and Allowances
    Dim Freight     'Freight and Warehousing
    Dim Warranty    'Warranty Costs
    Dim Other       'Other Manufacturing Costs
    'First if determines channel
    If Channel = "Internet" Or Channel = "eTail" Or Channel = "etail" Or Channel = "ETAIL" Or Channel = "90" Or Channel = "e-tail" Or Channel = "E-Tail" Or Channel = "E-TAIL" Then
    'Second if determines SBU
        If SBU = "Faucets" Or SBU = "Facuets" Or SBU = "Facuet" Or SBU = "Faucet" Then
    'Then allocated costs determined based off of table in worksheet
            Rebates = wks.Range("e23").Value
            Returns = wks.Range("f23").Value
            Freight = wks.Range("g23").Value
            Warranty = wks.Range("h23").Value
            Other = wks.Range("i23").Value
        ElseIf SBU = "Repair Parts" Or SBU = "REPAIR PARTS" Then
            Rebates = wks.Range("e24").Value
            Returns = wks.Range("f24").Value
            Freight = wks.Range("g24").Value
            Warranty = wks.Range("h24").Value
            Other = wks.Range("i24").Value
        ElseIf SBU = "Acrylics" Or SBU = "ACRYLICS" Or SBU = "acrylics" Then
            Rebates = wks.Range("e25").Value
            Returns = wks.Range("f25").Value
            Freight = wks.Range("g25").Value
            Warranty = wks.Range("h25").Value
            Other = wks.Range("i25").Value
    Last edited by Mick S; 03-21-2011 at 06:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Upper and lower case in VBA

    You can use something like:
    If LCase$(Channel) = "etail" Then
    If strcomp(Channel, "eTail", vbtextcompare) = 0 Then
    or stick:
    Option Compare Text
    at the top of each module if you're lazy.
    Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Upper and lower case in VBA

    ok cool. thanks.

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