Hi Carlos
The VBA to find the last non blank in Col A only looks like:
Sub SelectLastRow()
Dim LastRow As Double
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Cells(LastRow, "A").Select
End Sub
If you need to find the last in columns A to AK (AK = Column 37) then try:
Sub SelectLastRow()
Dim LastRow As Double
Dim ColCtr As Double
Dim MaxLastRow As Double
MaxLastRow = 1
For ColCtr = 1 To 37 ' Col AK = Col 37
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, ColCtr).End(xlUp).Row
If LastRow > MaxLastRow Then
MaxLastRow = LastRow
End If
Next ColCtr
Cells(MaxLastRow, "A").Select
End Sub
You will need to add 1 to the last statement to get the first blank row as in:
Cells(MaxLastRow + 1 , "A").Select