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Check if all option button groups have a value

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    Check if all option button groups have a value

    Is there a way to check and see if all option button groups on a work sheet have a value selected?

    I'll have approximately 13 yes/no groups (26 total buttons) and need to check that at least one of each has a value (if all are answered, then show SheetX).

    I also need to check if any of them have a yes answer.

    Is there a way to do that without checking each item (a lot of code).

    UPDATE: my workaround
    On a separate sheet, Cells C1:13 are linked to the yes option buttons and D1:D13 are linked to the No buttons; those cells (C1:D13) are filled with 0 (zero) on start up which keeps the values of the buttons clear. Cells F1:13 contains a formula that says if either C or D do not equal 0, give me a 1. Cell F14 totals F1:13. They click a command button when done answering questions to load the next form. If F14 is <13, msg box says to go back and complete all the questions. Cell H1:13 contain a formula that says if C1 = "True" (yes) give me a 1. H14 contains total of H1:13 and if higher than 0 I know I have at least 1 yes answer, which forces something else to happen.
    Last edited by ker9; 03-04-2011 at 01:00 PM.

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