I have a 2-worksheet Excel workbook (Excel 2007 and 2010) that serves as a template for users to enter collected data into. Each data set requires a unique file name (for tracking), so I wrote the macro below. Each time a user collects data, they open the template workbook and it directs them to immediately save the file into a specific directory. The code for that is as follows:
I know the FileFormat should be set to 52 for a macro-enable workbook, but I have it set to 51 for now because if the saved file is macro-enabled (as I need it to be), when it is opened later it will run the macro again asking for a file name. There are other macros I plan to insert into the template workbook for use in the saved macro-enabled workbook, so I need to disable the macro above once the new workbook is saved.
I thought there may be code that could be inserted before the Message Box appears (perhaps an If Then statement) that would check the Active Workbook file name against the name of the template workbook. If they are the same, the macro will run because the filename match means the template was opened. If the Active Workbook does not match, then the macro is skipped. I tried a couple things but had no luck. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated.