Hi guys,
This is the first time I have been asked to dig this far into excel, and to do what I need I will have to use VB or Macros which I am entirely new with. I have used VB a little in the past and understand the language, but never programmed for excel at all. So thank you in advance for any help you can provide me with.
Here is the situation. I have a Workbook that a client sends us semi-monthly for invoicing information. The workbook consist of a cover page worksheet which is a breakdown of the past half month 14-16 days, which is what the remainder of the worksheets in the workbook consist of.
This workbook is actually an invoice for all the properties we have inspected, but the problem is we pay them off to each inspector, where the customer sends it in simply by the property and associated information, i.e. work order number, owner, address etc.
What I need to do is have a way to search the entire workbook, not just one work sheet, by the zip code. I want to sort by the zip codes which is column "Q" and then somehow cross reference it with the inspector's associated to that zip code. This is where my problem lies. I have inspector A and he is assigned zip code 1,2,3,4, and 5 I want to be able to have those zip codes associated with that inspector even though that information is not included in the workbook. If I have to manually add that information into the workbook that is fine.
Than once the workbook is sorted by inspector I would like to export to individual spreadsheets for each inspector showing every property they have inspected for that period.
I have found some macros to sort and export that seem like they might work for my needs. My main issue is with adding the association with inspector to the zip codes because that information is not there. So any pointer into tying these processes together would be greatly appreciated.