Good afternoon,
I'm wondering if there is a way to automatically format a cell category from "Date" to "Text" keeping the date structure mm/dd/yyyy?
I'm automatically converting a txt file to xlsx. Using the "MATCH" formula, I'm trying to link one worksheet to the converted one by matching dates. The problem is the converted file keeps all cell formats as "General".
I'm trying to compare today's date using =Today() to the date in the converted file but the converted file's date is general and mm/dd/yyyy which excel doesn't seem to support. For example, excel knocks a zero off for January 1, 2011 (shows up as 1/1/2011 not 01/01/2011).
If anyone can show me how to convert today's date to a "Text" category keeping the mm/dd/yyyy format, it would be very much appreciated.
Thanks for looking