
I am trying to use vba to remove the modules behind the active workbook. I modified code I found from an existing source http://www.cpearson.com. (The full code had additional parts I didn't need so I removed any parts that had nothing to do with stripping the VBA)

Sub SaveWithoutMacros()

'PLEASE NOTE : You must choose Tools, References and select the
'Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility library

Dim wbActiveBook As Workbook
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim VBComps As VBIDE.VBComponents

On Error GoTo CodeError

'Now strip all VBA, modules, userforms from the copy
'This code is from Chip Pearson's website http://www.cpearson.com

Set VBComps = wbActiveBook.VBProject.VBComponents

For Each VBComp In VBComps
   Select Case VBComp.Type
      Case vbext_ct_StdModule, vbext_ct_MSForm, _
         VBComps.Remove VBComp
      Case Else
         With VBComp.CodeModule
            .DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines
         End With
   End Select
Next VBComp


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "An Error Occurred"

End Sub

When stepping through the code, it reaches the following line and I get an error message that says "Object Variable or With block variable not set.":

Set VBComps = wbActiveBook.VBProject.VBComponents
Thank you in advance for your help.
