Hi, All--
I've created a workbook with a variety of sheets dedicated to specific information related to an event schedule. The objective is to get the user to enter information related to event logistics on the first sheet (Sheet 1: "Event Schedule": includes date, location, etc.) and populate additional worksheets where expenditures where be tracked (Sheet 2: "Budget & Attendance"). What I've been struggling with is including appropriate code to generate certain information from Sheet 1 to transfer automatically to Sheet 2, sort by ascending order, while allowing also sorting within the row where each user enters costs related to that event. I need this becuase information is not always entered in chronological information on Sheet 1, but needs to be translated to Sheet 2 in chronological order.
Additionally, I'm pulling information from a third sheet (Sheet 3: "POC Actual Events") that is to sync with the generated information from Sheet 1, copied to Sheet 2, sorted in ascending order, and can contextually shift as additional events are added on Sheet 1--thereby generating a new row for entry of information.
Here's the code I've included on Sheet 2 to allow for the information from Sheet 1 and Sheet 3 to be copied:
However, while this copies the information from Sheet 1, in ascending order, it's not sorting the manually entered information on each row of Sheet 2 so that that data is contextually associated with the first 3 columns of information.
Finally, I'd like to protect each sheet of the workbook so that users are unable to negatively impact the structure of the workbook.
I've attached the Workbook with data already entered, so hopefully my description will make some sense.
Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks in advance for your attention!