There were no names on your list separated by a comma so I built the diminishing list based on this, ie a comma separated string.
If you start a new table the first list will be okay, as it reads from the named range "NameList", however subsequent drop-downs will be split at every comma. I'll look at this later tonight to find the best way around this situation.
Don't be tempted to think it would be easier to use combo-boxes, the same problem would arrise with them but 90 times over. I really miss the ability to use control arrays as in full VB, I feel it is a feature that VBa would really benefit from.
Hang in there, I have found a laptop with 2003 installed, don't knock 2003 it's pretty good and its limitations can be a real advantage, later versions allow the user more "gimmicks" and some great new functions, but some are a real headache when using VBa, keep it simple should be your watch words.
P.S. Mailbox cleared, thanks for letting me know.