Okay, try this, it's a bit faster than the old code.
With sheet "User Form Data"
1/. If you want to use earlier data as a template select a date from the dropdown in B40, otherwise leave blank.
2/. Click on D40 to get the userform, if you are using a template you will be prompted to confirm.
3/. Remember to change the Date to a value that is not already used before entering a new order, otherwise the data will be confused and return the first instance of any line for that date.
This weakness can easily be cured but first we need to know.
1/. Can there be more than one order in any one date?
2/. If so, how do we identify each entry?
A unique Order Number auto-generated is the easiest way, but you may have numbers issued from a different source, again, if so what are they like, and where would you enter them in the UserForm and the Log?
As I said in Post #9 you must be careful not to change the names for the controls and their position on the form.
Your Labels for "Line ##" are out of sequence, they must be ordered by their name, not the caption. The label you are using for "Date" is Label6 this label should be renamed, say LblDate, and your Labels for "Line ##" should be renamed in sequence Label1, Label2....etc top to bottom, read Post #9 again.
I haven't looked at the rest of your new file yet, lets get this stage sorted first.