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Macro for copying rows from master sheet to other worksheet based on column content

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    Macro for copying rows from master sheet to other worksheet based on column content

    I am working on a production workbook. Basically, there is a master sheet titled "Lead Input" that has addresses, client names, dates, general info etc. etc.

    The last sheet in the book is titled "closed production" and it is identical to the master sheet. Between these two sheets, I have 5 others, one for each agent.

    What I need to do is be able to enter in the information onto the master sheet and have it automatically appear in the proper spot on either the proper agent sheet, closed production, or both. This is based off of two columns, which I highlighted blue on the attached example workbook. The first column is "Assigned Agent" and each agent is a certain number, 1-5. The second column is the "Status" Column, and different statuses are assigned numbers 1-4.

    So...if you look at the agent sheets, I've hilighted in purple the columns of info that I need to be pulled from the master sheet every time it is entered in. On top of this, I need entire rows to be copied to the "closed production" sheet once the status column reads "4" because 4 is the number assigned to "closed production."

    Does this make any sense? Do I have to use macros for this?
    Before I was using formulas, but they didn't transfer the proper info into the next available row on the agent or closed sheets, they just copied the into to the corresponding cell number, and that's not what I need.

    Any help would help me immensely!
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