Hi, I haven't written in VB for 2.5 years, and have spent 2 days trying to get a big batch process written - with limited time.
I have a couple of hundred excel files come in each month, from which I need to strip essential data, and then compile on one spreadsheet, in consecutive rows.
I have had a couple of big wins already - in terms of automating the process of getting the files onto my directory from multiple outlook emails, and then automating the reformatting of the data in each file; (happy to share this !).
Each individual file contains similar data in A2:FA4 - three rows.
The Master file will therefore contain around six hundred lines - not too onerous I would have thought.
However I have been ploughing through forums, but haven't found anything yet that works for me yet - haven't even got off the ground with this one - I don't know if it's my limited syntax with vb or what.
Any ideas / examples will be very gratefully received !
(Please be gentle, I was astonished how much of the basics I had to revise to get this far.)
Thank you !![]()