Hi There,
I have macro in place, which is working fine, but now file format has changed and I am unable to run the macro, therefore could you please fix the problem for me. Please.
1. With OLD format macro is working very fine. Please see below example.
This below format is in text file format.
UNA:+,? '
BGM+935:::IMPORT INVOICE+5419613410-XXX-001+9'
Then what macro does is it reads the data and keep the required data and it converts it into tabular format into excel. I have attached file for your easy going. Please refer "OLD_Format" file.
2. Now format has changed, which comes in just one string therefore Macro doesn't work. I am not that much expert so need your help in this regard.
This below new format is in text file format. This is in just a one string.
UNA:+,? 'UNB+UNOA:1+MAEU+5036716300:12+110117:1407+234'UNH+23400001+INVOIC:D:99A:UN'BGM+935:::IMPORT INVOICE+5419613410-XXX-001+9'DTM+149:20110117:102'RFF+ADJ:730'RFF+IV:5419613410-XXX-001'RFF+IT:MAEU'RFF+BM:MSKU4591988'MOA+39:3151.00:USD'TDT+11+1102+VE++MAEU:101:166'ALC+C++++FC'FTX+PAI+++NEON-NIKE EUROPEAN OPS NETHERLANDS'RFF+VA:WK'MOA+304:406.00:USD'ALC+C++++FC'FTX+PAI+++NEON-NIKE EUROPEAN OPS NETHERLANDS'RFF+VA:WK'MOA+304:2745.00:USD'UNS+S'UNT+19+23400001'UNZ+1+234'
As you now see that macro can't read data bcoz it comes in one string.
Please could anyone look at this urgently. I would appreciate your help in this regards. Please.
Best Regards,