Well it didn't quite work but I'm much closer than before. Here's what happened when I ran the macro.
In my open workbook, "JasonLogP2-2011", on worksheet "DT Log", I selected the range I needed to import from the closed workbook (Copy of JasonLogP2-2011).
Hit my macro button. The "Copy Of JasonLogP2-2011 workbook opened, and it asked me to select the range.
I selected and hit OK, and it pasted the data in some other range of "Copy of JasonLogP2-2011".
Close...but how can I make it do this...
1) Hit the macro button to select a range in JasonLogP2-2011
2) Range is selected with the Application.Inputbox
3) This same range is imported from "Copy of JasonLogP2-2011 and pasted into JasonLogP2-2011.
Question...does the closed workbook have to opened in order to import data? I searched for hours and read several different opinions, some involving ADO which were completely over my head.
Can't tell you how much I appreciate the help...I am learning with help from these applications I am asking help from...lots of fun...
Here's the code I copied into the vba module.