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UDF for finding text in cell from a list of text

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  1. #1
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    UDF for finding text in cell from a list of text

    I need a UDF to determine if a cell has any of several words from a list and return one phrase if true and another if false

    A1: The big red apple tree
    A2: The big apple tree

    B1: Color
    B4: Yellow

    so for A1 it would look for any of the words in column B and return "COLOR" since Red is in A1 and in column b

    For A2 it would return "NO COLOR", since none of the words in column B are in the string in A2.

    Thanks in advance,

    Last edited by tom.hogan; 01-26-2011 at 09:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: UDF for finding text in cell from a list of text

    Hello Tom,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    This UDF will return "Color" or "No Color" based on the entries in the named range "Colors".
    Function HasColor(ByVal Phrase As String)
      Dim Item As Variant
      Dim SearchValues As Variant
        SearchValues = Split(Phrase, " ")
        For Each Item In SearchValues
          On Error Resume Next
            WorksheetFunction.VLookup Item, Range("Colors"), 1, False
            If Err = 0 Then HasColor = "Color": Exit Function
        Next Item
        HasColor = "No Color"
    End Function
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
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    Re: UDF for finding text in cell from a list of text

    Awesome, thanks for the quick reply, it works perfectly!

    One more question, how would you make this more generic, i.e. allow entries into the formula for the range and the responses. Say we call the formula ISWORD() with the following entries: search cell, range of desired words, response if true, response if false

    Thanks again,


  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: UDF for finding text in cell from a list of text

    Hello Tom,

    Here is the updated macro. If you don't specify a true/false response then the macro returns True or False.
    Function IsWord(SearchString As String, SearchValues As Range, Optional TrueResponse, Optional FalseResponse)
      Dim Item As Variant
      Dim SearchItems As Variant
        If IsMissing(TrueResponse) Then TrueResponse = True
        If IsMissing(FalseResponse) Then FalseResponse = False
        SearchItems = Split(SearchString, " ")
        For Each Item In SearchItems
          On Error Resume Next
            WorksheetFunction.VLookup Item, SearchValues, 1, False
            If Err = 0 Then IsWord = TrueResponse: Exit Function
        Next Item
        IsWord = FalseResponse
    End Function

  5. #5
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    Re: UDF for finding text in cell from a list of text

    Again awesome, it works great! Now if i could trouble you one last time. Is it possilbe to have a varible response if true based on a second column in the range? Let's call this one IFTEXT() with the following entries: search cell, range of desired words, column to look in if true (usually 2), response if false

    Red Color
    Tree Plant
    Dog Animal

    The big red house - would return "Color"
    The tall tree - would return "Plant"
    The large hairy green dog - would return "Animal"
    The fast car - would return "response if false"

    I know that a string with more than one of the words in the 1st column of the range would cause issues, but I can deal with that via naming conventions.



    P.S. I don't see the scales or the "solved" icons, I want to be sure you get credit for your great answers, can you explain where I find them?

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: UDF for finding text in cell from a list of text

    Hello Tom,

    The scales are on the post menu bar (the top of each post). See the attached picture for what it looks like.

    Here is how to mark a post as "solved":

    How to mark a thread Solved
    1. Go to the first post
    2. Click Edit
    3. Click Go Advanced
    4. Just below the word Title you will see a dropdown with the word No PrefIx.
    5. Change to Solved
    6. Click Save

    As for this next macro, you are basically doing a VLookup within an If statement. This can be accomplished using formulas.

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