Quote Originally Posted by MarvinP View Post
DonkeyOte scolded me one day as DNRs are Volatile and he feels they slow things down a lot. I think they have a use but are real hard to diagnose and track when other things go bad. Read one of his posts and follow his Volatile link in his signature line.
Not 100% accurate - DNR's constructed with Volatile functions (OFFSET, INDIRECT etc) are Volatile.

To be clear, I don't think I've ever argued that DNR's should not be used - just that they should not be used blindly - often the overhead isn't necessary - as always it comes down to context.

A volatile DNR is not really a concern if being used to source a Pivot or Data Validation.
If the DNR is being used en masse as a precedent range within formulae which are themselves inefficient (Arrays, SUMPRODUCT etc) it's generally a good idea to avoid a Volatile DNR construct [IMO]

Most functions are sufficiently efficient that they work only with the Used Range intersect of the Precedent range and as such the overhead in determining a "filled" range isn't necessary and will actually slow* the calculation
(*whether noticeable or not is an entirely different matter)

Notable others would disagree with me re: the above - it's very much a case of each to their own.

Apologies for sidetrack - just wanted to clarify