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Run Macro on cell change to update path and filename for query

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    Run Macro on cell change to update path and filename for query

    I am trying to write a piece of VBA code, that when a cell value changes by entering a path and a filename, an external query is updated with the filename and path and will run if a parameter is changed.

    The code I have is as follows:-
    Sub auto_open()
       ' Run the macro DidCellsChange any time a entry is made in a
       ' cell in Path_and_Filename.
       ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Path_and_Filename").OnEntry = "DidCellsChange"
    End Sub
    Sub DidCellsChange()
        Dim KeyCells As String
       ' Define which cells should trigger the KeyCellsChanged macro.
       KeyCells = "B1:B3"
       ' If the Activecell is one of the key cells, call the
       ' KeyCellsChanged macro.
       If Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, Range(KeyCells)) _
       Is Nothing Then KeyCellsChanged
    End Sub
    Sub KeyCellsChanged()
    Dim sFilePath As String
    Dim SFilePathandName As String
    sFilePath = Range("Path_and_Filename!$B$1")
    SFilePathandName = Range("Path_and_Filename!$B$3")
        For Each oWorksheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
          For Each oQueryTable In oWorksheet.QueryTables
            oQueryTable.Connection = "ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=" & SFilePathandName & ";DefaultDir=" & sFilePath & ";DriverId=790;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;"
    sFilePath = Range("B3").Value
    SFilenameandPath = Range("B1").Value
    End Sub

    Whenever the code tries to run, I get an error message of macro DidCellsChange cannot be found.

    I am a newbie to VBA and the code above has been put together from code I have got from various websites, so hopefully it will be something simple?

    I have attached the workbook as an example. The sheet Path_and_Filename contains the cells where the path and filename can be entered. When these cells have been updated, then the sheet named Query, has a parameter query that when a day is selected in cell A1, the query runs and returns values in cells A1 to A5. The query will only work if the values entered on the Sheet Path_and_Filename correspond to where the file 'Internal Query with Macro1.xls' is saved.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Gary Brown; 01-23-2011 at 06:38 PM. Reason: Added Code Tags

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