ok, so i have what i believe to be the mother of all transposition problems. included is an example. basically, i need all the data from AG:AX to transpose vertically, but it also needs to link to ranges defined in columns F, G and I. Attached is what the columns will always look like and where the data will always be.
I want a macro, and at the front of the macro should be a code to convert all text to numbers otherwise the info will not feed to the final pivot table.
I had some theories about groupings and arrays, but i'm worried that the formulas will slow the sheet down as the files can often be over 40,000 lines.
the tricky part is that the data that links the info, (i.e columns F, G and I) will need to copy and paste itself down to line up with columns AG:AX once they are transposed.
Make sense?