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Retrieve data from specific sheets

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Retrieve data from specific sheets

    This is my fist post here and I'm rather new to Excel, so I'll probably cause a lot of laughs. Here is the matter:

    I have a file with 50+ sheets, of which 45 are named nr1, nr2, nr3... nr(still growing). I need to collect all the data in the first column of each sheet that starts with "nrX" and add it into the Xth column of a different sheet (1st column of 1st sheet to 1st column, 1st column of 2nd sheet into 2nd column etc.). The data in those cells is text. The problem is that my lame script only reads the first sheet. Here is what I have so far:

    Sub Test()
    Dim sh As Worksheet, flg As Boolean
    For Each sh In Worksheets
    If sh.Name Like "nr*" Then flg = True: Exit For
    If flg = True Then
    MsgBox sh.Name
    sh.Range(sh.Range("A2"), sh.Range("A250").End(xlUp)).Copy
    Sheets("sumar").Cells(2, xllastcolumn + 1).End(xlUp)(2).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
    End If
    End Sub
    I added the msgbox only to see which sheet actually gets read, if you're wondering why it's there. I can't seem to make it work past the first sheet.
    Last edited by danj; 01-19-2011 at 03:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Retrieve data from specific sheets

    Hello danj,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    Try this version of your macro.
    Sub Test()
      Dim sh As Worksheet, flg As Boolean
      Dim Rng As Range
      Dim sh As Worksheet
      Dim xllastcolumn As Long
        For Each sh In Worksheets
          If sh.Name Like "nr*" Then
           MsgBox sh.Name
           Set Rng = sh.Range(sh.Range("A2"), sh.Range("A250").End(xlUp))
           xllastcolumn = xllastcolumn + 1
           Sheets("sumar").Cells(2, xllastcolumn).End(xlUp).Value = Rng.Value
          End If
        Next sh
    End Sub
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Retrieve data from specific sheets

    Hi danj and welcome to the forum.

    Try this code which is in the attached.
    Option Explicit
    Sub MoveToSumar()
    Dim ShtCtr As Double
    Dim LastRow As Double
    Dim SheetNo As Double
        For ShtCtr = 1 To Worksheets.Count
            If Left(Worksheets(ShtCtr).Name, 2) = "nr" Then
                SheetNo = Mid(Worksheets(ShtCtr).Name, 3)
                LastRow = Worksheets(ShtCtr).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
                Worksheets(ShtCtr).Range("A1:A" & LastRow).Copy _
                Destination:=Worksheets("sumar").Cells(1, SheetNo)
            End If
        Next ShtCtr
    End Sub
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  4. #4
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    Re: Retrieve data from specific sheets

    Hello and many thanks on your quick reply!
    Here is the quick result:
    1. sh was double defined and had to remove one instance
    2. it only brings me the first cell in each column, not the whole column

    EDIT> Sorry, it was working, you are indeed masterful at this :-)

    EDIT 2> Actually, it was Marvin's stuff that was working, but many thanks to both of you!
    Last edited by danj; 01-19-2011 at 04:00 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Retrieve data from specific sheets

    I'm not sure Leith knows what sheet number it is using.
    That is if you have nr1, nr2 and no 3 or 4 but nr5 next he might not put the result on sumar on the correct number column.

    Test my code to see if it is what you want.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Retrieve data from specific sheets

    You could also do this with a formula.

    With nr1, nr2, nr3, etc in cells A1 to AZ1, whatever, in cell A2:


    Drag down and across.

    Copy and paste special values to remove the formulae.

    You could, of course, use VBA to populate the cells and then convert to values but I guess you have several VBA approaches already ;-)

    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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