Hi I have recorded 2 macros for a rotating shift pattern i made.
One rotates the dates a week forward at a time and the other reverses this.

It means my name position on the shift roster moves down one and the dates across the top move forward one week when forward is pressed reverse does opposite.
The dates were recorded using the autofil method.

What I would like to know is that instead of clicking on my macro button 52 times to get to end of the year is there any code I can use to jump to a specific date?

I can attach a blank copy of the roster I have done if that helps or is needed.

Go easy I am just learning

Just been reading through lots of posts etc and thats how I learned to rotate my basic shift pattern but if I could type in a date in a cell and make the shift move to that date would be amazing.

Thanks for any help I am using excel 2007