Creating a spreadsheet for "Biggest Loser" contest at our organization (see attached xls). The average Team weight loss (measured in percentage) needs to be calculated in O3, O9, O15, & O21 for each of the 4 teams. For team 1, the math would go as follows:
('1-1'!C4 + '1-2'!C5 + '1-3'!C6 + '1-4'!C7) / ('1-1'!B4 + '1-2'!B5 + '1-3'!B6 + '1-4'!B7)
This formula adds up the starting weight for Team 1 in cells B4:B7 (from each respective worksheet) and divides it by their weight at the end of week 1 C4:C7 (from each respective worksheet). This part is easy enough to make work. However, I need O3, O9, O15, and O21 to stay current, dividing only the most current week with data by the original weigh in. These are as follows:
Column B is your control, the inital weigh in.
Colulmn C is W1 (the end of week 1 weigh in).
Column D is W2
Column E is W3 ... and so on through W12
How do I write a formula or VBA for Column O (Weekly team results) that ignores the weight of previous weeks and only goes based on the most current week. (ie. if column E is blank, then calculate for O based on Column D)