Hi there,
I receive sale handover workbooks from Sales on a daily / weekly basis, using a set template. I have a central workbook which is used to track these as they come in, recording things like client name, value etc.
I am building a macro to automatically import these kinds of details from each handover workbook into the central tracking workbook.. I need the macro to present the user with a list of all open workbooks, then allow the user to choose which open workbook they want to copy data from.
I can see how to obtain the name of the current open workbook, or how to select a workbook using a file>open type dialog, but that would cause problems when the workbookyou want is stored in a Lotus Notes or SharePoint database. Hence my desire to have the user open the handover workbook first, then run the macro from the tracking workbook to choose which of the other open workbooks to copy data from.
Any thoughts, please?