Hi Roy thats great it worked a treat, I'm just having one problem in that I don't want the code below to run until non of the case match. Is there a way of saying "IF NO CASES MATCH THEN ..."

If Range("MANG") = "" Then
                    MsgBox ("Please enter your employee number in the orange box")
                    Sheets(2).CommandButton4.Visible = True
                ElseIf Sheets(2).CheckBox1.Value = 0 Then
                    MsgBox ("Please tick the checkbox to confirm you wish to make this request")
                    If Sheets(2).CheckBox1.Value = 1 Then ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="TMC"
                        Call Module4.AutoComp
                        Sheets(2).CommandButton4.Visible = False
                        For Each RngCell In Range("ingrp").Cells
                            RngCell.Locked = True
                        Next RngCell
                                                          ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="TMC"
                End If