I have a problem that I have tried to solve during the last couple of days (im new into VBA programming)
I have a list that is exported from a database. In this list i have different service request from customers. In the first column dates for the requests is entered and in the fifth column the requests is specified.
I would like to write a VBA script that automatically finds the rows that corresponds to the service request (the rows between the corresponding dates) and search for some key words in the description (fifth column). If some keywords are found (for example "Värme", and "radiator") the request should be counted. If on the other hand some other keywords are found (for example "spis") then the request should be ignored.
In the "template sheet" the result should be 2, since one of the requests contain the keyword "spis" and thus should not be counted.
It would also be neat if the found requests could be presented in a chart by date (some kind of histogram) but that is not the top priority at this point.
Thanks in advance!