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Build List using Array of Unique Cell Values

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Build List using Array of Unique Cell Values

    Hi all,

    I've been struggling all morning long trying to build a sort array code.
    Arrays still have me flustered.

    What I'd like to do is build a combobox list from the offsets of some cells within a Range having a specific value. There will be 3 conditions that need to be met before adding
    to value to the combobox list. First condition, the value of cell within the range should equal the cell value in Cells(1,1). Secondly, the offset value should be unique.
    Therefore no repeated values should be placed into the combobox list. And Third, which
    is not really a condition, the built list should be sorted. Since the list will hold numerical
    values, they should be listed from the smallest to the largest values.

    I don't know if this can be of any use, but I thought maybe the array could be built
    using the following with some substitutions.
    Sub tst()
      sq = Filter([transpose(if(A1:A1000="","#",A1:A1000))], "#", False)
    End Sub

    I believe that it's building an array based on any cell with a number)
    I'm hoping it could be converted so that its based on a value in Cells(1,1)

    I put together this:

      LastRow = Sheets(1).Cells.Find(what:="*", After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
     sq = Filter([transpose(if (Sheets(1).Range("$B$7:$B$" & LastRow)="",Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value,Sheets(1).Range(A2:A1000).Offset(0,1)))], Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value, False)
    If it can't be done in this manner then using:
      LastRow = Cells.Find(what:="*", After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
       For Each Cell In Sheets(1).Range("$B$7:$B$" & LastRow)
        If Trim(Cell.Value) = Sheet(1).Cells(1, 1).Value Then
    ' more code is needed to build array
    sq () = Cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
    x will be the element needing to be added to the array.
    I'm hoping to avoid redimming or preserving the array through multiple loops.

    However, once the array is built. then with

    sq () as the array

    I would then like to pass the array through a filter using a modified ver. of this function.

    Private Function UniqueItemList(InputRange As Variant, _
        HorizontalList As Boolean) As Variant
    Dim cl As Range, cUnique As New Collection, I As Long, uList() As Variant
        On Error Resume Next
        For Each cl In InputRange
            If cl.Formula <> "" Then
                cUnique.Add cl.Value, CStr(cl.Value)
            End If
        Next cl
        UniqueItemList = ""
        If cUnique.Count > 0 Then
            ReDim uList(1 To cUnique.Count)
            For I = 1 To cUnique.Count
                uList(I) = cUnique(I)
            Next I
            UniqueItemList = uList
            If Not HorizontalList Then
                UniqueItemList = _
            End If
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Function
    The function needs to able to accept the built array.

    It should be run through the function by doing something like

    Dim MyUniqueList As Variant, I As Long
       With UserForm1.ListBox1
       MyUniqueList = UniqueItemList(sq, True)
    For I = 2 To UBound(MyUniqueList)
                .AddItem MyUniqueList(I)
            Next I
            .ListIndex = 0 ' select the first item

    Hopefully someone with more experience than I can following my logic and help me
    with building a working script.



  2. #2
    Forum Expert snb's Avatar
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    Re: Build List using Array of Unique Cell Values

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean with 'offset'.


    Sub tst()
      sq = Filter([transpose(if(A1:A1000=A1,B1:B1000),"#"))], "#", False)
    End Sub
    to 'uniquize' the array:

    Sub tst()
      sq = Filter([transpose(if(A1:A1000=A1,B1:B1000),"#"))], "#", False)
         c01=c01 & sq(0) & vbcr
      loop until ubound(sq)=-1
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Build List using Array of Unique Cell Values

    Actually I want to filter using a dynamic range where A1:A & Lastrow is used instead of A1:A1000.
    But I have not gotten that to workthe filter.

    It should filter so the built array values/elements will be the Cell.offsets (0,1) of each
    cell whose value is equal Cells(1,1)


    I've run out of time for today. I will have to continue with this problem tomorrow



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