Hello All!
I need a macro which quietly counts changes made to a cell and stores them even after the workbook is closed.
If the cell has been modified more then say 5 times in one day it is highlighted yellow more then 10 highlighted red. Then i need week counts and month counts (years maybe later), hence the ability to store and add amount of changes.
Any ideas? I so far got this much:
I was thinking of creating a new list called COUNTING. Say in my DATA list i changed the value of cell A2 from bob to 2. So in my COUNTING list A2 will have a value "today = 1". Hence if i decide to change its value later on in the month it will be "month = 2". also if it is shifted in DATA i.e. moved to a different location then it need to be tracked and moved in COUNTING (basically value mapping).
has any 
So any ideas? I'm also open to suggestions if any ^^