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Copying certain text in textfile and paste into excel

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  1. #1
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    Copying certain text in textfile and paste into excel

    Hello Guys...I need help here

    I have a textfile and i'm using vba for excel to read the textline and paste in into excel..
    I have a textfile that contain a thousand of data
    the purpose of this project is to copy the textline from the starting text that i choose until it reach the end that i also choose..

    here, i have attached a sample textfile that i need to copy to the excel...

    fyi, A73, Z1 and A74 F+ is the node number..
    For example i want to read A73 until node Z1 only, and my first node is A73, and the last node is Z1
    I want it to read the all the textline until it reach the GRT1P1+U8+W8 line of Z1...
    My problem is how do i do that...

    FYI also, i have thousands of node number..This is just a sample..

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by djmal; 12-08-2010 at 05:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor mohan.r1980's Avatar
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    Re: Copying certain text in textfile and paste into excel

    hi friend,
    why don't you open this text file in excel?
    if you open it in excel then you can easily make a loop.

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Copying certain text in textfile and paste into excel

    Hello djmal,

    This macro will parse the data from the starting node to the ending node and copy it to the ActiveSheet starting in cell "A1". Be sure to change the variables StartNode, EndNode, and the FileSpec to what you need.

    Macro Code
    Sub CopyTextFile()
      Dim EndFound As Boolean
      Dim EndNode As String
      Dim FileSpec As String
      Dim FN As Integer
      Dim N As Long
      Dim Node As String
      Dim NodeData() As Variant
      Dim StartFound As Boolean
      Dim StartNode As String
      Dim Text
        StartNode = "A73"
        EndNode = "Z1"
        FileSpec = "C:\Documents and Settings\djmal\My Documents\sample.txt"
        FN = FreeFile
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Open FileSpec For Input As #FN
          Do While Not EOF(FN)
            Line Input #FN, Text
            Node = Trim(Left(Text, 4))
            If Node = StartNode Then StartFound = True
            If StartFound Then ReDim Preserve NodeData(N): NodeData(N) = Text: N = N + 1
            If Node = EndNode Then EndFound = True
            If Node <> "" And StartFound And EndFound Then
              Range("A1").Resize(N - 1, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(NodeData)
            End If
        Close #FN
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Leith Ross

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  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Re: Copying certain text in textfile and paste into excel

    thanks a lot Leith Ross
    it works great!!

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