I am currently running into this problem.

Under this simplified Excel spreadsheet, I have with me classification of continents and the respective countries under it.

I have created a UserForm button which allows me to just add in additional country by typing in the country's name and then selecting the continent it belong to.

Upon completion, the macro will create a new row under the continent it belongs to and then add in that new country. (You can try running the macro by clicking on that button)

However, my problem now is that once the new country has been added in, I want the macro to continue to select all the rows which have the same continent (inclusive of that new entry) and then auto-sort it into alphabetical order (only for that continent).

For instance, according to what the spreadsheet and what my current macro will do, when a new coutnry (Eg China) is added, it will appear below Korea. So the order goes by Japan, Korea then China.

What I want is for the macro to continue doing the auto-sort, so that under Asia, it will be China, Japan then Korea.

Is it possible to do as such?

Please help!

Many thanks!