Hello everyone, this is my first post here so please be gentle.
The workbook I plan on creating will function as follows:
On the first sheet I will be able to type a note in one cell, a title in another and several tags in 1-6 other cells.
When I click a button the data I have entered with be transfered to sheet2 in a single row for each submission.
There will be a search cell on sheet1 which will search through the tags on sheet2 and return submissions that have the tag that I have searched for.
I'm completely new to the programming side of excel but I have done a bit of programming in the past. This means that although I don't know the syntax and structure of the programming I am familiar with the logic structure of programming languages.
My question then boils down to:
What is the best way to implement this and what are the most likely commands that I will need to use?
Where is a good place to learn how to do this myself?
Additional information that isn't really important:
The reason I'm doing this is because in my workplace I am not allowed to install any software but I need a note managing tool. Using Excel to program something like this is the only workaround I can think of.