I having been developing my sickness tool for quite a while, but just want to find a way to calculate ssp for people.
Essentially I have a complete list of data for all employees and a list is made in a named range called sickhist, which populates with that individuals sickness record.
Column 5 of this range has start date, 7 end date and 9 duration (which is workdays) column 10 is calendar days.
SSP is a rolling balance, so you get 28 weeks allowance but if you return to work for 8 weeks you go back to having 28 weeks allowance.
Another example is if you are off for 4 weeks you would have 24 weeks ssp left then you came back for 6 weeks and went off for anoth 10 weeks you would have 14 weeks ssp remaining.
I want to display the ssp expiry date. So the sickhist field will have 12 months data in it I need to find a way to sum the durations for the sickness for any sick within the last 8 weeks, and any linked periods who have a period of sickness within the last 8 weeks.
A linked period is where a person goes off sick again within 8 weeks from returning to work.
I will put together an example spreadsheet.