Oh wow i didn't think it was possible with so little code!
I've tried it out but got a debug error, should probably have put in the exact ranges i'm working with. I've most likely applied the incorrect ranges as i'm not 100% confident i understand what the code is trying to do, any help?
My actual code:
Workbooks.Open Filename:="\\server\shared\Project Zeus\Report X.xls"
Workbooks("Reporting model - GM").Sheets(5).Cells(7, 3).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Windows("Report X.xls").Close
Applied snb code:
With GetObject("\\server\shared\Project Zeus\Report X.xls")
Workbooks("Reporting model - GM").Sheets(5).Range("A7:C7") = .Sheets(1).Range("A9:X65536").Values
.Close True
End With