Emp Name Store Date Activity Sku's Start End
Ravi Parkav 16-Nov-10 Picking 50 6:00 6:45
Sankar Max 16-Nov-10 Picking 40 6:55 7:15
Sankar Max 16-Nov-10 Packing 30 7:25 7:30

Second sheetexample format is pasted here. The second sheet is total output of a day

Name Duration Percentage Rank Point
ravi 45 85 2
sankar 25 100 1

We have the 50 employess where we need do the daily productivity as per the above example. It takes 3 hours to do entry in a day to complete. I am creating daily a first sheet to enter & second summary sheet to Print. Daily i have creating a two sheets as per date wise which i need to change tha formulas, copy & past...etc it takes more time.

My needs

1. I need to create a user form to do entry.

2 entry of start and end time is taking more time to do. is there any other soulution for the time entry?
3. Instead of creating sheet daily, can i make all the entry in one sheet and take a monthly summary as well as daily summary? - the summary is in second sheet

4 The efficiency is calculated for each employess as per the example is given in second sheet. I need to give a point as per the rank wise / percentage wise which has to be measured for the employees appraisal.

Pls help me..