I use Excel 2003. I also currently use PDF reDirect v2 (free version). I'm happy to use any other free PDF creator if necessary. If cost effective, I will also buy a full version of a PDF creator.
I have a spreadsheet containing about 95 sheets. The first 5 sheets contains calculations. Sheets 6 to 95 currently contains statements and are named 1001, 1002, 1003 up to 1090.
Please note that monthly new sheets might be added. For example, next month there may be new statements (sheets) named 1091, 1092 and 1093.
I would like to create a MACRO that:
1. prints sheet 1 (named 1001) to a pdf doc
2. names the pdf doc "1001"
3. saves the pdf doc to the same location every time (e.g. temp folder)
4. prints sheet 2 (named 1002) to a pdf doc
5. repeats steps 2 and 3 for sheet 2
6. repeats steps 1 to 3 for all the sheets up to the end of the spreadsheet.
Could anyone please assist? This would save me hours every month. Currently I have to create a pdf for each page manually.
I can post an "example spreadsheet" if required?