To learn recursive programming and trying to write a simple VBA to traverse to every cell in a defined range and put 1 into the cells. (I know this can be done easily through iteration by using two loops.)
The following script fills up to 3346 cells before it threw Error 28 "Out of Stack spaces".
Is it an error on my script or Excel's limit on stack?
Thank you for your help.
Sub test()
Dim L As String
L = rWrite(Range("A1:Z300"), 1, 1, 1, Range("A1:Z300").Rows.Count, Range("A1:Z300").Columns.Count)
End Sub
Function rWrite(ByRef rArray As Range, iVal As Integer, CurRow As Integer, CurCol As Integer, RowsCount As Integer, ColsCount As Integer) As String
If CurCol <= ColsCount Then
If CurRow <= RowsCount Then
rArray.Cells(CurRow, CurCol) = iVal
rWrite = rWrite(rArray, iVal, CurRow + 1, CurCol, RowsCount, ColsCount)
rWrite = rWrite(rArray, iVal, 1, CurCol + 1, RowsCount, ColsCount)
End If
rWrite = "Done"
End If
End Function
Chris Win