Thank you, Leith! Your final response is what I was looking for. (Your intermediate answer earlier today had me in the process of composing a nasty response as to your arrogance at implying that I didn't understand controls, and hinting at esoteric "solutions" that really wouldn't have sufficed. But you came through at the last minute, and saved yourself from my savage tongue-lashing. I'm sure you are relieved at that!!!)

I take it that it was, as I suspected all along, a bug in VBA's timing, at least insofar as my particular design. (To the Romper's comment, I could certainly have created a separate listbox, and I was just about to do that as my workarond, but my vision of this application was that the user would only see one listbox at a time, and work their way through a logical heierarchy of links from one menu to another, until they reach the item they want, similar to a menuing system--I guess this may not have been obvious from my abbreviated sample program. I was admittedly stubborn in thinking that I should be able to use one listbox for this purpose and not have to swap listboxes after each iteration.) Leith, your solution works perfectly, and will be something to hold onto, if I even come across any other similar timing situations where Microsoft hasn't anticipated my bizarre turns of mind. So, Thank You, again!