Hello All
Is it possible to sum a range of criteria using SUMIFS?
Many Thanks.
Hello All
Is it possible to sum a range of criteria using SUMIFS?
Many Thanks.
Try this, but why?
Hope this helps
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I am trying to sum all of these
=SUMIFS('Data Table'!S$7:S$200,'Data Table'!$D$7:$D$200,"{3050,3100,3150,3250,3300,3350,3360,3400}",'Data Table'!$C$7:$C$200,"{52510,52518,52519}",'Data Table'!$A$7:$A$200,"""FNE")
Try the below - note array entry required
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My Recommended Reading:
Sumproduct & Arrays
Pivot Intro
Email from XL - VBA & Outlook VBA
Function Dictionary & Function Translations
Dynamic Named Ranges
If you are "hard coding" the criteria values into the formula you could avoid TRANSPOSE by just using ; separators in the second array constant, i.e.
=SUM(SUMIFS('Data Table'!S$7:S$200,'Data Table'!$D$7:$D$200,{3050,3100,3150,3250,3300,3350,3360,3400},'Data Table'!$C$7:$C$200,{52510;52518;52519},'Data Table'!$A$7:$A$200,"FNE"))
Audere est facere
Why do I never think of these things at the time...
(no need to answer!)
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