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Seemingly erratic behavior when auto-filling cells

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excelforum123 Seemingly erratic behavior... 10-21-2010, 12:40 PM
TMS Re: Seemingly erratic... 10-21-2010, 01:45 PM
excelforum123 Re: Seemingly erratic... 10-21-2010, 03:53 PM
TMS Re: Seemingly erratic... 10-21-2010, 05:07 PM
TMS Re: Seemingly erratic... 10-21-2010, 05:18 PM
excelforum123 Re: Seemingly erratic... 10-22-2010, 03:35 AM
TMS Re: Seemingly erratic... 10-22-2010, 07:16 AM
  1. #1
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    Excel 2013

    Seemingly erratic behavior when auto-filling cells

    I couldn't think of a more suitable name for the problem.

    In the workbook, there are two sheets. One is the source sheet where certain values are parsed and compiled into a table in the first sheet. The code is supposed to write a single dot ( "." ) to every empty cell between every value in the first sheet (the one with the table for values to be filled in from the other sheet). The problem is that some particular rows remain empty. I can not figure out why.

    A simplified excel file with the working example is attached and below is the code:

    Public r2 As Range
    Sub GetWpFromXMLs()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim sRange As Range
        Dim rStart As Range
        Dim rEnd As Range
        Dim TAGSTRING As String
        dRow = 1 '// Offset value for "destination" Row
        dCol = 3 '// Offset value for "destination" Column
        rtn = 0 '// for designating when the current XML entry is a non-firearm
        Set rStart = Sheets("WeaponsXML").Range("C39")
        Set rEnd = Sheets("WeaponsXML").Range("C64")
            If dRow = 1 Then
                TAGSTRING = "<uiIndex>"
            ElseIf dRow = 2 Then
                ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Offset(dRow - 1, dCol).Value = "£"
                TAGSTRING = "X"
            ElseIf dRow = 3 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubWeaponType>"
            ElseIf dRow = 5 Then TAGSTRING = "<usRange>"
            ElseIf dRow = 6 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubImpact>"
            ElseIf dRow = 7 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubReadyTime>"
            ElseIf dRow = 9 Then TAGSTRING = "<bBurstAP>"
            ElseIf dRow = 11 Then TAGSTRING = "<APsToReload>"
            ElseIf dRow = 12 Then TAGSTRING = "<APsToReloadManually>"
            ElseIf dRow = 13 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubBurstPenalty>"
            ElseIf dRow = 14 Then TAGSTRING = "<AutoPenalty>"
            ElseIf dRow = 15 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubShotsPerBurst>"
            ElseIf dRow = 16 Then TAGSTRING = "<bAutofireShotsPerFiveAP>"
            ElseIf dRow = 17 Then TAGSTRING = "<bAccuracy>"
            ElseIf dRow = 20 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubCalibre>"
            ElseIf dRow = 21 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubMagSize>"
            ElseIf dRow = 23 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubDeadliness>"
            ElseIf dRow = 27 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubAttackVolume>"
            ElseIf dRow = 34 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubWeaponClass>"
            ElseIf dRow = 43 Then TAGSTRING = "<ubShotsPer4Turns>"
            ElseIf dRow = 69 Then TAGSTRING = "<szWeaponName>"
            ElseIf dRow = 70 Then
                Set rStart = rEnd.Offset(1, 0)
                Set rEnd = Sheets("WeaponsXML").Range(rStart.Offset(0, -1), Sheets("WeaponsXML").Cells(65535, 2)).Find(What:="</WEAPON>", lookat:=xlPart).Offset(0, 1)
                dCol = dCol + 1
                dRow = 0
                TAGSTRING = "X"
                ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Offset(dRow, dCol).Value = "."
                TAGSTRING = "X"
            End If
            If TAGSTRING <> "X" Then
                Set sRange = Sheets("WeaponsXML").Range(rStart, rEnd).Find(What:=TAGSTRING, lookat:=xlPart)
                If Not sRange Is Nothing Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Offset(dRow - 1, dCol).Value = Mid(sRange, (InStr(1, sRange, ">") + 1), (Len(sRange) - (InStr(1, sRange, ">") * 2) - 1))
                    TAGSTRING = "X"
                    ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Offset(dRow - 1, dCol).Value = "."
                End If
            End If
            dRow = dRow + 1
        Loop Until dCol = 15
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    In the excel file, press the button with ">>" text in "A3" to see it work.

    The rows that remain empty are 4, 8, 10, 18, 22, 24, 28, 35, 44.

    Any help is much appreciated.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by excelforum123; 10-22-2010 at 03:58 AM. Reason: See my last post ITT

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