Hi all,
I have a number of smaller tables (with 4 Colums) which are populated from a large expansive table from another sheet, once the information is extracted it is displayed into something that looks similair to as shown below, (There are 3 other tables with different information but they are essentially the same format as shown.)
A..............Car............Transport.........Pull Trailer
A..............Van...........Transport.........Pull Trailer
A..............Car............Transport.........Pull Trailer
A..............Car............Transport.........Pull Trailer
C..............Car............Transport.........Pull Caravan
The problem is this list is extensive and will be acrross many rows, and i need to run a macro that will read the table and find duplicate entries and remove them. (Bearing in mind the information content is accrosss 4 colums).
I have found various refernces accross the net about removing duplicate entries in a row, however nothing for the the duplicates entires that are duplicates as they accross numerous columns.
Please excuse the full stops that was purely done for formatting.
Any help with this would be muchly appreciated,
Many thanks in advance.