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VBA Linear Interpolation

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WAW VBA Linear Interpolation 10-18-2010, 04:59 AM
StephenR Re: VBA Linear Interpolation 10-18-2010, 07:35 AM
WAW Re: VBA Linear Interpolation 10-18-2010, 09:35 AM
WAW Re: VBA Linear Interpolation 10-19-2010, 10:49 AM
shg Re: VBA Linear Interpolation 10-19-2010, 10:53 AM
  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    VBA Linear Interpolation

    Hi All

    I have a quarterly US GDP data from 1980 to date. The problem I have is given the data is only produced quarterly I have gaps in the data. This is fine when drawing a chart in excel as you can simply join data points however, an external provider I use to publish charts does not have this feature on its software and I am required to provide a value for every date. I therefore need to interpolate (linear) the values between data points. This is easily done manually on a small data set however I wonder if anyone has a piece of VBA code to speed things up.

    Last edited by WAW; 10-25-2010 at 04:56 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: VBA Linear Interpolation

    Post a workbook.

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA Linear Interpolation

    Ive enclosed the sample spread sheet.

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  4. #4
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    Re: VBA Linear Interpolation

    Any one have any ideas on this one?

  5. #5
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Linear Interpolation

    There's one value for GDP, which makes it a little hard to see what you want interpolated.

    EDIT: Never mind, I see it ...

    You want GDP for every day?? That's kind of empty magnification, isn't it?
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  6. #6
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Linear Interpolation

    I used AutoFilter to extract the quarterly numbers, and a UDF to do the interpolation:

           ----A----- -B-- C ----D----- --E---
       1   Date       GDP    Date       GDP   
       2   09/30/1980 -0.7   09/30/1980 -0.700
       3   12/31/1980  7.6   10/01/1980 -0.610
       4   03/31/1981  8.6   10/02/1980 -0.520
       5   06/30/1981 -3.2   10/03/1980 -0.429
       6   09/30/1981  4.9   10/04/1980 -0.339
       7   12/31/1981 -4.9   10/05/1980 -0.249
       8   03/31/1982 -6.4   10/06/1980 -0.159
       9   06/30/1982  2.2   10/07/1980 -0.068
      10   09/30/1982 -1.5   10/08/1980  0.022
      11   12/31/1982  0.3   10/09/1980  0.112
      12   03/31/1983  5.1   10/10/1980  0.202
    The formula in E2 and down is

    =LINTERP(D2, $A$2:$A$121, $B$2:$B$121)

    Here's the UDF:
    Private Function Frac(d As Double, r As Range, _
                           ByRef i As Long, ByRef dF As Double, _
                           iMatchType As Long)
        ' shg 1997-0606, 2009-0419
        '     2009-0604 added option for descending sort
        ' Returns an index to r in i and an interpolation fraction in dF
        ' r must be a 2+ element vector sorted {a|de}scending if iMatchType={1|-1}
        If iMatchType = 1 And d <= r(1).Value2 Or _
           iMatchType = -1 And d >= r(1).Value2 Then
            i = 1
            ' this can generate an error, handled by caller
            i = WorksheetFunction.Match(d, r.Value2, iMatchType)
            If i = r.Count Then i = r.Count - 1
        End If
        dF = (d - r(i).Value2) / (r(i + 1).Value2 - r(i).Value2)
    End Function
    Function LINTERP(x As Double, rX As Range, rY As Range) As Variant
        ' shg 1997-0606, 2009-0419
        '     2009-0604 added option for descending sort
        ' Linear interpolator / extrapolator
        ' {Inter|extra}polates rX to return the value of y corresponding to the given x
        ' rX and rY must be equal-length vectors
        ' rX must be sorted (ascending or descending, doesn't matter)
        Dim i           As Long     ' index to rY
        Dim dF          As Double   ' interpolation fraction
        If rX.Areas.Count > 1 Then GoTo Oops
        If rX.Rows.Count <> 1 And rX.Columns.Count <> 1 Then GoTo Oops
        If WorksheetFunction.Count(rX) <> rX.Count Then GoTo Oops
        If rY.Areas.Count > 1 Then GoTo Oops
        If rY.Rows.Count <> 1 And rY.Columns.Count <> 1 Then GoTo Oops
        If WorksheetFunction.Count(rY) <> rY.Count Then GoTo Oops
        If rX.Count < 2 Then GoTo Oops
        If rX.Count <> rY.Count Then GoTo Oops
        On Error GoTo Oops ' Frac can error
        Frac x, rX, i, dF, IIf(rX(rX.Count).Value2 > rX(1).Value2, 1, -1)
        LINTERP = rY(i).Value2 * (1 - dF) + rY(i + 1).Value2 * dF
        Exit Function
        LINTERP = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    End Function

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