I used AutoFilter to extract the quarterly numbers, and a UDF to do the interpolation:
----A----- -B-- C ----D----- --E---
1 Date GDP Date GDP
2 09/30/1980 -0.7 09/30/1980 -0.700
3 12/31/1980 7.6 10/01/1980 -0.610
4 03/31/1981 8.6 10/02/1980 -0.520
5 06/30/1981 -3.2 10/03/1980 -0.429
6 09/30/1981 4.9 10/04/1980 -0.339
7 12/31/1981 -4.9 10/05/1980 -0.249
8 03/31/1982 -6.4 10/06/1980 -0.159
9 06/30/1982 2.2 10/07/1980 -0.068
10 09/30/1982 -1.5 10/08/1980 0.022
11 12/31/1982 0.3 10/09/1980 0.112
12 03/31/1983 5.1 10/10/1980 0.202
The formula in E2 and down is
=LINTERP(D2, $A$2:$A$121, $B$2:$B$121)
Here's the UDF:
Private Function Frac(d As Double, r As Range, _
ByRef i As Long, ByRef dF As Double, _
iMatchType As Long)
' shg 1997-0606, 2009-0419
' 2009-0604 added option for descending sort
' Returns an index to r in i and an interpolation fraction in dF
' r must be a 2+ element vector sorted {a|de}scending if iMatchType={1|-1}
If iMatchType = 1 And d <= r(1).Value2 Or _
iMatchType = -1 And d >= r(1).Value2 Then
i = 1
' this can generate an error, handled by caller
i = WorksheetFunction.Match(d, r.Value2, iMatchType)
If i = r.Count Then i = r.Count - 1
End If
dF = (d - r(i).Value2) / (r(i + 1).Value2 - r(i).Value2)
End Function
Function LINTERP(x As Double, rX As Range, rY As Range) As Variant
' shg 1997-0606, 2009-0419
' 2009-0604 added option for descending sort
' Linear interpolator / extrapolator
' {Inter|extra}polates rX to return the value of y corresponding to the given x
' rX and rY must be equal-length vectors
' rX must be sorted (ascending or descending, doesn't matter)
Dim i As Long ' index to rY
Dim dF As Double ' interpolation fraction
If rX.Areas.Count > 1 Then GoTo Oops
If rX.Rows.Count <> 1 And rX.Columns.Count <> 1 Then GoTo Oops
If WorksheetFunction.Count(rX) <> rX.Count Then GoTo Oops
If rY.Areas.Count > 1 Then GoTo Oops
If rY.Rows.Count <> 1 And rY.Columns.Count <> 1 Then GoTo Oops
If WorksheetFunction.Count(rY) <> rY.Count Then GoTo Oops
If rX.Count < 2 Then GoTo Oops
If rX.Count <> rY.Count Then GoTo Oops
On Error GoTo Oops ' Frac can error
Frac x, rX, i, dF, IIf(rX(rX.Count).Value2 > rX(1).Value2, 1, -1)
LINTERP = rY(i).Value2 * (1 - dF) + rY(i + 1).Value2 * dF
Exit Function
LINTERP = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function