I am a total noob at VBA so you'll have to get your had ready for a few facepalms. In any case. I'm trying to get Excel 2007 to search a range for the number "1", if it finds number one I want it to look at the top of that column and copy the value there to paste in a variable cell. so it may look something like this:
CAR|BAG|CUP <----These are the words that I want copied
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A | N/A
1 | 1 | 1 <----these three cells are the range that I want to search for one
I know that I need to use the find function for the searching, my question is how do I tell it to look at the top of the column, also the N/A's could be replaced by ones so I can't use the function that simply looks for the next value up.
my other question is how would the "for" loop need to be structured in order for it to copy the corresponding word for each "1"?
Thanks in advance for any help. It is very much appreciated.