I’d like to use Data Bars with a formula and the range is only a single cell (is that even possible?). What I’d like is for the Expenses value cell color to change based on the value in that cell being within a certain percentage of the Income. I can create a solid color using three rules with the Rule Type “Use a formula to determine which cells to format”. What I’d like to do instead is use the gradient feature of the Data Bars rather than a solid color using Yellow, Green, or Red depending on the result of a calculation. I'd even prefer if the label cell "Expenses" could be colored using the gradient feature of the data Bars.
For instance, It’s a simple calculation based on Income and Expenses. if the Expenses value is less than 40% of the Income value, then the Expenses cell should change to a Yellow gradient. If the Expenses value is between 40% and 50% of the Income value, then it should be a Green gradient, and if the value is above 50%, then a Red gradient.
Although not preferred, I could live with using an Icon set in the cell next to the Expenses value if that would also work but only if I can change the order of the colors. The available options have Yellow in the middle, and I need Green in the middle.
Detail Amount
Income $1,000,000
Expenses $500,00