
I am in need of a macro that searches all worksheets for a value in column A and subsequently deletes the corresponding row.

I have a worksheet that combines all yearly data and sorts according to company name (column A)

      A       B           C
AINO NV    2000    7,918,000
AINO NV    2001    -3,612,000
AINO NV    2002    @NA
AINO NV    2003    @NA
I manually look for company names that do not have data in column C for at least 4 years (column B). Then, I want to be able to search for "AINO NV" and have these rows deleted in both the combined worksheet (above) and the worksheets for 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. Again, these worksheets are all within 1 xls file.

I have never worked with macro's before, so any help is greatly appreciated.