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Turning columns into tables

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    Turning columns into tables

    I'm extracting information from a pivot table to get to the source data. When I do my extract I have 23 columns. Two of them need extensive work, and I'd like to know how to work them. I've attached a simplified example.

    The column labled "Mos2" has some items I need to use as column headings in my current table: Budget, Enc/Pre-Enc, Projected, and the numbers 01-12, which are the Expenses, by month.

    So, I would need 4 columns to be made, and each would have to line up with the amounts reflected in the "SumOfMONETARY_AMOUNT" column, but on the same lines the amounts orginally appeared on (since there are 22 other columns of data that apply to this same information). The columns would be Expense (with the months under it), then Budget, Enc/Pre-Enc, and Projected and then ideally also a Lapse column, which would be Budget - (Expensed + Enc/Pre-Enc)

    The "01-12" would need to be converted to Months (01= January, etc).

    I have ideas on how to do the 01-12, but no idea on how to do the rest. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    Last edited by jomili; 10-07-2010 at 03:33 PM.

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