Hi to all,
I'm new to this forum, and i would appreciate any help with some issues I'm having tryign to create a work order control. This is what I'm trying to do:
1 - When the excel file is opened, the first worksheet will be a summary worksheet, this summary worksheet would have a clickable button, which would create a new worksheet (created as a las worksheet, using the template from a worksheet in the same file that is not visible) naming it xxx-10 (the x would go from 001, 002, 003, and on as new worksheets are created with this function)
2 - In this newly created worksheet, I would have some empty fields (regular blank cells) where the user will input Item Description, quantity, and date. There would be another blank cell, but on this one I would like it to be filled with the name of the worksheet.
3 - The fields located for Item Description, quantity, date, and the name of the worksheet, I'l like to be copied to the summary sheet mentioned in point 1, in such a way that when a new worksheet is created, and the fields are filled, those fields are linked to the last row of its respective colun (by last row i mean the row after the latest entry) automatically.
Those 3 are my main concerns, though i would also like to know if its possible to do a dropdown menu in certain fields utilising a list already in excel, and have those options fill other fields automatically once selected. (as long as those fields can still be added to the summary)
I would be using this same system for a few other control items, so this would be a huge help.
Thanks in advance.