I have multiple sheets (not fixed) in my workbook, Now I want to create a summary sheet.
All the input sheets have same formatting with multiple rows and 3 columns data (min, max and avg). The summary sheet will also contain multiple rows and 3 column data(same as the input sheets).
Suppose E5 on all the available sheet contain min data. Then summary sheet's E5 should have formula something like
E5 "=MIN(Sheet1!E5,Sheet2!E5,Sheet3!E5)" and subsequent
F5 =MAX(Sheet1!F5,Sheet2!F5,Sheet3!F5)
G5 =MAX(Sheet1!G5,Sheet2!G5,Sheet3!G5)
if Input sheets are 3.
Since Input sheets are not fixed so I don't want to create a formula, I need a macro. Kindly suggest how it can accomplished.