Ok, I know it already had been discussed here and I tried to run code snippets published myself, but it was pretty complicated.
Here's the thing:
I have a worksheet with the data such as "ID", "Company Name", "Contact person", "Address", "Telephone", "Fax". Chances are, that I will need to add more "data types" in the future.
There won't be multiple data entries, so there will be only one company (one row).
The thing I want to be able to do after filling out all fields in Excel is to have some button that will say "Export to Word". After clicking on that button the Word document will be opened with data imported from Excel worksheet where I clicked the button. Can somebody help me?
I already set up the test document (Word) where I predefined places where the data will be placed after clicking the button in Excel.
I use Excel 2007 and I'm looking for some "universal" solutionJust the basic stuff (not for me, Excel is not my cup of tea) that will create Word document with data from Excel after clicking on the button.
Thank you for your time and help.