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vba: find command, finding exact values

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    vba: find command, finding exact values

    I have tried using the vlookup function in VBA, but that has failed to work.
    I am now using the following code instead:

    Textbox2.text= ActiveSheet.Range("A:J").Find( _
    What:=Textbox10.text,matchcase:=false, _

    This returns into textbox2 the value found in the second column of the spreadsheet which corresponds to the value in textbox10. My problem is that the values I have in the 1st column (the column containing the lookup value) are numbers and the code I am using seems to be finding the value which corresponds to the first number which has the number entered in textbox10 nested in it rather than the exact number itself.
    For example, the list of numbers I have in column 1 are
    If the value in textbox10 is 35, the value I get in textbox2 corresponds to the first number in the list containing 35, that is 135, rather than the exact number 35 itself. How can I solve this?

    Last edited by icylemontea; 09-11-2010 at 02:50 PM.

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