I have a set of data which includes 10 samples each having 775 possible data points. I want to see what is shared between these samples when I go down to 9, 8, 7, 6... n samples. I am hoping that I can do this with Visual Basic, or other Excel functions where I could essentially determine the average of this similarity after calculating what is shared between all possible combinations given the sample total I am on. For example if I want to see what is shared across 9 out of the 10 samples, then I would need to determine the average of this shared-ness between all possible combinations of 9. I would upload a dataset but they are too large. Let's say in A175 I have an ID and in columns A2 through A11 are the values corresponding to that ID for each sample, I want to take all possible combinations of n samples for this value. I apologize if this doesn't provide enough detail or is vague, I am relatively new to this type of analysis and am trying to teach myself in a limited timeframe. Thank you in advance.