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Bill of materials form

  1. #1
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    Bill of materials form

    I need some advice on how to create a BOM form based on list box choices made.
    Attached is a blank form i have created that i want bill of materials dropped into.
    I was thinking of using dependent list boxes to choose what i want.
    User will choose a base model home in first list box. Then second box with have a list of elevations based on list box one. Then third will have a list all options available for that model home and elevation. If it is possible i would like the third box to allow several selections to be made. If not i will have to make more list boxes for any extra options chosen. Beyond the 2nd list box nothing will be dependent on the previous one.
    Now after those choices are made, or even as i am selecting them, i would like data from a range in another workbook to be copied into this blank form. I have one workbook that has all base model homes on individual tabs and then i have a workbook for each model home options with each option on a tab. After each copy i guess it would have to copy data on next available empty row and if i run out of empty rows in the range add new ones in the body of the form. If i can get to a starting point i can add the data needed if someone can help.

    Am i asking more out of excel than possible?
    Thank you,
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Bill of materials form

    Hello JESSIER4025,

    You only provided half of what is need to provide you with a solution. The other workbook, the one you did not upload, is the lynch pin. This is the workbook that contains the data that will be in the lists. Are we to assume the macros will also be in this workbook? It would be a big help if you posted this missing workbook.
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
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    Re: Bill of materials form

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith Ross View Post
    Hello JESSIER4025,

    You only provided half of what is need to provide you with a solution. The other workbook, the one you did not upload, is the lynch pin. This is the workbook that contains the data that will be in the lists. Are we to assume the macros will also be in this workbook? It would be a big help if you posted this missing workbook.
    Sorry about that.
    Attached is the base model home workbook i have and also the options.
    Its still a work in progress so come sheets look different than others. I build these sheets and then later decide to change something or add more then i have to copy the template over and replace old sheets. But you can basically see the tabs and the data that needs to be copied. Book 2 i sent last time i will remove the vlookup formulas so it will just be a blank form that data will be copied into.
    One last thing, can i put a button on the "template" where data is copied so i can print all sheets that data was copied from along with the new BOM document?
    If you need anything else please let me know.
    Thanks for your help!!!
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    Last edited by JESSIER4025; 09-06-2010 at 02:41 PM. Reason: file name change

  4. #4
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    Re: Bill of materials form

    I forgot to add yes i am and can use macros.

  5. #5
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    Re: Bill of materials form

    anyone wanna take a stab at this?

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