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Reviewing Code

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AnthonyWB Reviewing Code 08-20-2010, 09:58 AM
StephenR Re: Reviewing Code 08-20-2010, 10:07 AM
AnthonyWB Re: Reviewing Code 08-20-2010, 10:24 AM
T-J Re: Reviewing Code 08-20-2010, 12:24 PM
  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Washington DC
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    Excel 2007

    Reviewing Code

    Hello everyone. This is not a specific programming questions. I have started to finish an automation project. I was wondering if someone with solid VBA experience would be interested in reviewing my code. The code spans several modules and comprises approximately 2,000 lines of written code. Most of that code is repetitious and I suspect a more senior programmer could provide hints, suggestions or even ways to condense the code so that it is more readable and more effecitent. It would be greatly appreciated and improve my VBA skills. Note that the code does not "fit" into the Excel forums space requirements. Thanks.
    Last edited by AnthonyWB; 08-20-2010 at 10:59 AM. Reason: Written mistake

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Reviewing Code

    Is that 2,000 or 20,000?! Can you post a sample of a bit you think could be improved. I doubt anyone will undertake to look through that much code, at least not for free!

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2007

    Re: Reviewing Code

    Here is some of the code: This is a small chunk. I am sure this can be trimmed down.

        Dim fDate            As String
        Dim fPath            As String
        Dim fDatePrevious1   As String
        Dim fDatePrevious2   As String
        Dim fDatePrevious3   As String
        Dim fPriorDate1      As String
        Dim fPriorDate2      As String
        Dim fPriorDate3      As String
        Sub CreateFolder()
    'CreateFolder() macro creates the folders for the 157 Automation process.
        Dim Fldr   As String
        Dim ErrBuf As String
        fDate = Application.InputBox("Enter a date in the format shown:", "Date to add...", Format(Date, "DD-MMM-YYYY"))
        If fDate = "False" Then Exit Sub
        fDatePrevious1 = DateSerial(Year(fDate), Month(fDate), 0)
        fPriorDate1 = Format(fDatePrevious1, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
        fDatePrevious2 = DateSerial(Year(fDate), Month(fDate) - 1, 0)
        fPriorDate2 = Format(fDatePrevious2, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
        fDatePrevious3 = DateSerial(Year(fDate), Month(fDate) - 2, 0)
        fPriorDate3 = Format(fDatePrevious3, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
        fPath = "L:\"
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
            Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "157_Reports"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "157_Reports"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Roll_forward_wTA"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Roll_forward_wTA"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Roll_forward_wTA"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Terminated"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Terminated"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Terminated"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "IBRD_Disclosure"
            MkDir Fldr
            'Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "IBRD_Disclosure"
            'MkDir Fldr
            'Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "IBRD_Disclosure"
            'MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "105_Reports"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "105_Reports"
            MkDir Fldr
            Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "105_Reports"
            MkDir Fldr
        If Len(ErrBuf) > 0 Then MsgBox "The following folders already existed:" & vbLf & vbLf & ErrBuf
        Exit Sub
        ErrBuf = ErrBuf & vbLf & Fldr
        Resume Next
    End Sub
    Sub Move_157_Disclosure_1()
        Dim fso
        Dim sfol As String
        Dim dfol As String
        FileCopy "L:\" & fPriorDate3 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\IBRD_Disclosure\157_Disclosure.xlsm", "L:\" & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\IBRD_Disclosure\157_Disclosure.xlsm"
    End Sub
    Sub Create_Prior_Quarter_105()
        Dim sPath1      As String
        Dim sPath2      As String
        Const sFileInp1 As String = "105.xlsm"
        Const sFileOut1 As String = "Prior_Quarter_105.xlsm"
        Dim wb1         As Workbook
        Dim wb2         As Workbook
        sPath1 = fPath & fPriorDate3 & "_157\" & "105_Reports\"
        sPath2 = fPath & "157_Support_Summaries\"
        Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open(sPath1 & sFileInp1)
            ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sPath2 & sFileOut1, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        wb1.Close SaveChanges:=True
    End Sub
    Sub Create_105_File_1()
    Dim sPath1       As String
    Const sFileOut1  As String = "105.xlsm"
    sPath1 = fPath & fDate & "_157\105_Reports\"
    With ActiveSheet '105
        .Name = "105"
        .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath1 & sFileOut1, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
    End With
    End Sub
    Sub Create_105_File_2()
    Dim sPath1       As String
    Const sFileOut1  As String = "105.xlsm"
    sPath1 = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\105_Reports\"
    With ActiveSheet '105
        .Name = "105"
        .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath1 & sFileOut1, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
    End With
    End Sub
    Sub Create_105_File_3()
    Dim sPath1       As String
    Const sFileOut1  As String = "105.xlsm"
    sPath1 = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\105_Reports\"
    With ActiveSheet '105
        .Name = "105"
        .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath1 & sFileOut1, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
    End With
    End Sub
    Sub Create_Disclosure_Breakdown_Files()
        Dim sPath1       As String
        Dim sPath2       As String
        Dim sPath3       As String
        Const sFileOut1  As String = "105.xlsm"
        Const sFileOut2  As String = "IBRD"
        Const sFileOut3  As String = "Borrowing_Portfolio_Bonds"
        Const sFileOut4  As String = "Borrowing_Portfolio_Swaps"
        Const sFileOut5  As String = "Client_Operations"
        Const sFileOut6  As String = "IDA_Company"
        Const sFileOut7  As String = "Other_Equity"
        Const sFileOut8  As String = "IFFIMM_Company"
        Const sFileOut9  As String = "157_Disclosure"
        Const sFileOut10 As String = "IBRD_PriorQuarter_L3"
        Const sFileOut11 As String = "IBRD_CurrentQuarter_L3"
        Const sFileOut12 As String = "IBRD_L3_Hold"
        Const sFileOut13 As String = "BOND_Terminations"
        Const sFileOut14 As String = "CSWAP_Terminations"
        Const sFileOut15 As String = "ISWAP_Terminations"
        sPath1 = fPath & fDate & "_157\105_Reports\"
        sPath2 = fPath & fDate & "_157\157_Reports\IBRD_Disclosure\"
        sPath3 = fPath & fDate & "_157\157_Reports\Terminated\"
        'fPriorDate = Format(fDatePrevious, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
        Workbooks.Add 'Borrowing_Portfolio_Bonds
        With ActiveSheet
            .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath2 & sFileOut3, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        End With
        Workbooks.Add 'Borrowing_Portfolio_Swaps
        With ActiveSheet
            .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath2 & sFileOut4, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        End With
        Workbooks.Add 'Client_Operations
        With ActiveSheet
            .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath2 & sFileOut5, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        End With
        Workbooks.Add 'IDA_Company
        With ActiveSheet
            .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath2 & sFileOut6, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        End With
        Workbooks.Add 'Other_Equity
        With ActiveSheet
            .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath2 & sFileOut7, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        End With
        Workbooks.Add 'IFFIMM_Company
        With ActiveSheet
            .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath2 & sFileOut8, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        End With
        Workbooks.Add 'BOND_Terminations
        With ActiveSheet
            .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath3 & sFileOut13, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        End With
        Workbooks.Add 'CSWAP_Terminations
        With ActiveSheet
            .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath3 & sFileOut14, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        End With
        Workbooks.Add 'ISWAP_Terminations
        With ActiveSheet
            .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath3 & sFileOut15, _
                           FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _
        End With
    End Sub
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    MS-Off Ver

    Re: Reviewing Code

    Subs Create_105_File_1, Create_105_File_2, Create_105_File_3 all do the same thing with a different string, so replace with a single Sub which takes a string argument(s)? and call by passing each string into it.

    Likewise, in Sub Create_Disclosure_Breakdown_Files the bits where you Add and Save can be slimmed down the same way.

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